2023 Buffalo Foosball Championship

Over $1,500 in cash and prizes!

Update: The turnout is looking good. Thanks to everyone who has pre-registered so far. There may be a 7th table brought in. Events will start promptly! So if you intend on finding a partner for Beginner Doubles when you arrive, plan accordingly. If you are not partnered in the system, for the doubles events, by the start time, you will be left out.

Juniors – pay 1/2 price and play more! Up to 5 events for $20 all-inclusive. Ladies also pay 1/2 price!

Beginners – win free entry to the World Championships aka Tornado Championships in Lexington, KY, the weekend of Sept 1st, 2023, by placing 1st in Beginner Doubles.

Rookies & Beginners – Test your singles game, in what should be a very competitive field of local up-and-comers. Win free entry to Super Singles at the 2023 MI State Championships.

Winners of each event get a case of Red Bull and a prize package from Bison Billiards – tee shirt/glass or mug/free day of foos for you and a friend – as an added prize!

2 open events this year for the big dawgs! Custom medals for 1st & 2nd in all events!

Registration fee includes all entry fees and table fees for the day. Play in as many events as your rank allows. $20 for juniors and women, $40 for everyone else. Pre-purchase tix to receive your choice of a new ball or pair of wraps. Tables will not have balls.

IFP rankings in use this year

All events use House of Tournaments software


2:00 Junior Singles
Recommended for 12-17. Only 8 Spots for this event!

3:00 – R&B Singles
Rookies and Beginners! IFP rankings in use this year
Double Elimination bracket. Best 2/3 games in winners and losers brackets.

4:00 – Beginner Doubles
Bring your partner, win 1st place here, and walk into the Tornado Championships in Lexington, KY, Labor Day weekend, as our special guests and play 6 events free (~$90 value/pp. Some restrictions may apply) . Any tour beginner (in both singles & doubles) and unrated players are eligible. IFP rankings in use this year
Double Elimination bracket. Set partners. Best 2/3 games in winners and losers brackets.

6:00 – Open Doubles
Anyone can play this main event!
Double Elimination bracket. Set partners. Best 2/3 games in winners and losers brackets.

8:00 – Open Draw-Your-Partner
Stick around for one last chance to cash. You might draw a top player. Fight your way into the $ and medals. Double Elimination bracket. Set partners. Best 2/3 games in winners and losers brackets.


Custom medals, cases of Red Bull, and Bison Billiards prizes in all events.

Open Doubles
1st – $200, Medals, & Case of Red Bull
2nd – $100 & Medals
3rd – $60 & Medals

Open DYP
1st – $200, Medals, & Case of Red Bull
2nd – $100 & Medals
3rd – $60

Beginner Doubles
1st – $80, Medals, a Case of Red Bull, & play 6 free events at the 2023 Tornado Championships
2nd – $60 & Medals
3rd – $40

R&B Singles
1st – $50, Medal, a Case of Red Bull, & Free entry for Super Singles at MI States!
2nd – $25 & Medal

Junior Singles
1st – Case of Red Bull &
Medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

Events, Locations, Results, and Forum